We love to swim, bike, run and get social



November 1st Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Tuesday November 1st
Pool Swim with Matt: 9-10pm @ Mayfield Rec Ctr
Come join us for our first coached swim of the fall/winter program. Lots of room left, if you have not signed up yet, please go to our shop to do so.

Wednesday November 2nd
Spin with Jade: 7-8:30pm @ 91 Healey Road (Unit 9)
Check the details of this class on our web page.

Thursday November 3rd
Strength with Jade: 8-9pm @ 490 Bramalea Rd (Suite 4B)
This class is not full yet.
Check the details of this class on our web page if you’d like to join. Both “pay as you go” and and full program options are still available, yet limited. Sign up soon to reserve your spot!

Saturday November 5th
Group Ride with Paul: 8am @ Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/6924816
Distance: 50K & 100K
Pace: 25-27km/h

Sunday November 6th
Egg Nog Route with Zindine: 8am @ Winston Churchill & Caledon Trailway
Route: https://www.strava.com/routes/3324655
Distance: ~11K
Pace: No one left behind


Treats at Spirit TreeAnother Adopt a Road Event is in the books

Despite the rain and cold temperatures, a few of our members joined us last Sunday for our bi-annual Adopt a Road event where we made our favorite Mississauga Rd. stretch sparkly clean! We then retreated indoors at Spirit Tree Cidery for a few treats and a well deserved cup of warm coffee. No exciting finds this time, but we think it’s better to have nothing to report than show how disgraceful some people can be with their outrageous ways of messing up with Mother Nature. Many thanks to all who braved the elements to keep our adopted road clean!






StravaWeek of October 24th on Strava

Another low mileage week for the club, but with all fall/winter programs starting in the next few weeks, this should not last long.





October 25th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts1_large

Sunday October 30th
Ride on the Caledon trailway from Spirit Tree following the Adopt-a-road clean up (Approximate start time around 11:00AM). Easy pace, mountain bike/hybrid or commuter recommended. Duration to be discussed among participants.


This Sunday October 30th
Join us this weekend as we gather to clean up the roadsides on “our” stretch of Mississauga Road from King Street to Old Baseline Road.
We will be gathering at 9:00am @ Credit View Public School

The clean-up takes just a couple of hours and makes for a great energy booster for your day. For those who are interested, there will be a contingent heading to the Spirit Tree Estate Cidery for brunch. Please send us an email or visit our Facebook event to RSVP.

Strength Training with Jade

Thursday starting next week
The class needs 3 more people to happen. If you have not signed up yet and are thinking about it please do so as soon as possible.
This course is 12 weeks (although she did add a second course last time to bridge us through to the start of the season).

You can sign up for a full course pass a $96, or pay by drop-in for $10 per class. Please contact Jade at info@ironchicfitness.ca for more information or to reserve your spot.


Small week by Fletcher’s standard. Looks like many of our members are enjoying a well deserved break.




Wednesday Brampton Spin Class is canceled

Due to a lack of interest, the spin class that was scheduled to run on Wednesdays in Brampton is now canceled. If you are looking for more information about the other options available to access a spin class, please visit our fall/winter program page.

October 20th Weekly Update


Sunday October 30th
The leaves are starting to turn, and there is a certain crisp-ness in the air. This means fall is coming. And with fall comes our bi-annual Adopt-a-Road cleanup. We will be meeting at our usual location (Credit View Public School) at 9am for an hour or two of cross-training (aka – picking up trash from the sides of the road).

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. If we get lots of people to come out, the work is easier and we get to the fun post-clean-up coffee and treats at the Spirit Tree sooner.

14424701_10154537827819579_6140793785731959333_oWe have a new helper!

New Secretary
We would like to introduce our new Secretary!! Samantha Martins Coimbra has joined our volunteer FMCT team and will soon be able to answer to all your questions about FMCT programs, swag bags, uniforms, etc. Please give her a warm welcome!! We are really eager to work with her over the next year (or more!). Thank you Samantha!! You can read more about her in our volunteers page.








Strava upload_10_17_2016_at_7_50_39_am

Another great week went by. Lots of beautiful autumn pictures are showing up on our members Strava feed. Go check them out.


October 11th Newsletter

Message from your Executive

Brrrrrrr!! October is here and it was eager to bring us near freezing temperatures. As some of our members experienced last weekend, layering on bike rides is no longer optional if you want to keep your toesies from falling. It may be time to go shopping for some wool socks and toe warmers if we want to continue braving Mother Nature and delay the return to the pain cave.

Admit it, some of you even turned the furnace on already, didn’t you? Let us know, we love hearing from you even if it’s for mundane things.


Week of October 10 to October 17

None planned. If you wish to lead a workout, just drop us a line! (if you do so before Tuesdays, workouts will make it into the newsletter, otherwise use our Facebook Group)

Fall/Winter Workouts

Our page dedicated to the Fall and Winter Programs has been updated with all our offerings for this year, including club sanctioned workouts and partnerships with our coaches’ own programs offered at a preferential price to our members. You can read all details here, but don’t delay signing up! The earlier we have our minimums met, the earlier we will confirm the programs with the city.

The club is currently offering early bird prices for the swim and spin sessions with our club head coach Matthew Poole which will expire on October 15.

Please use the FMCT shop to sign up!!

13533360_10154172955291955_4595374760552296627_nWelcome to the team, Mellen!

We are very happy to announce that Mellen Gorman has volunteered to step into the Treasurer role for FMCT and we are very thankful to have her in our executive team! Her position will be considered interim until we officially vote her in at our Annual General Meeting, and we hope that you will embrace her arrival with the same enthusiasm as we do. Until then, Mellen will work with Rebecca to ensure a smooth transition and learn all about our finances. Please welcome her to this challenging new role!

Coach Matthew fulfills his Kona dream

Last weekend, the best of the best in the triathlon world toed the line at the annual Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawai’i. Among them was our own coach Matthew Poole, who has been chasing the Kona qualification for over a decade, finally reaching this coveted destination this year. His consistent hard work and dedication paid off and we could not be more proud of him. Despite the challenges of training with a full time job and a young family, Matt delivered a stellar performance in Mt. Tremblant where he qualified by finishing 3rd in a very competitive age group.

14572953_10157537726705425_675909284013925000_nHe had only 6 weeks to prepare his mind and body for yet another Ironman distance, this time on the hot island of Hawai’i, in conditions that he had never experienced before. Needless to say, on Saturday we were all glued to the Ironman live feed and athlete tracker, waiting to see Matt cross the iconic finish line. And we were not disappointed. Matt finished in 10h15, humbled but with a big smile on his face. We cannot wait to hear everything about the race, the lava fields and swimming with the Honu. Well done, Matt! You made us all proud!!

Mark your calendars

Fall Bike Show

For those interested in checking out the latest deals on bikes and accessories, the Toronto International Bike Show will be held on October 15 from 10am to 5pm at the Enercare Centre, Exhibition Place. See the official website for details. Tickets will be sold at the door for $5.

Adopt a Road Cleanup

Our second Adopt a Road event is almost here and we are eager to see what treasures we find along our beloved stretch of Mississauga Rd. Rain or shine, join us on October 30 for an hour or two of “cross training” in road cleaning. Plan to do a lot of squats and the occasional weight lifting (tyres, bumpers, and a million of wet newspapers).

We will follow our training session with a treat (or two) at Spirit Tree Cidery. Just on time for Trick or Treating! (you sure don’t want to smell an athlete’s feet!!)


Strava? What Strava? Let’s pretend that everyone worked really, really hard even though we know that you enjoyed the Thanksgiving long weekend instead. Speaking of which, a big shout out to Barb Kishimoto who completed her first metric century ride on the chilly Thanksgiving Monday with Mellen and Zindine (instead of doing the gobble-gobble like everyone else). You’re a real champ, Barb!

Race Results

  • Guelph Lake II Triathlon
    Corwin Ang – 2:07:40.2
    Emmanuel Aquino – 2:14:09.1
  • Ontario Women’s Triathlon
    Amanda Charlton – 58:49.9 (2nd AG)
    Irina Souiki – 1:07:03.2
    Barb Kishimoto – 1:08:14.5 (1st AG)
    Karen Ballinger – 1:15:08.4
  • Georgina Sprint Triathlon
    Ryan Baldwin – 1:08:53.0 (3rd AG)
  • Lakeside Try a Tri
    Cesar Centeno – 58:15.8 (3rd AG)
  • Lakeside Sprint Triathlon
    Ryan Baldwin – 1:16:01.6
  • Lakeside Olympic Triathlon
    Zindine Souiki – 2:14:56.1 (2nd AG)
    Paul Blaik – 2:28:08.4
    Emmanuel Aquino – 2:57:25.6
    Corwin Ang – 3:01:04.2
  • Lakeside Olympic Swim-Bike
    Louis Malisani – 1:34:05.2 (3rd Male)
    Jacqueline Aguilar – 2:13:26.7 (3rd Female)
  • Niagara Falls Barrelman Triathlon
    Mellen Gorman – 5:09:53 (2nd AG)
  • Niagara Falls Barrelman Swim-Bike
    Irina Souiki – 3:48:35
    Bruce Harding – 4:00:18
  • Toronto Zoo Run 10k
    Irina Souiki – 56:19

October 4th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

October 10th 201614593601_10154682291809274_1039860991_n

Group Ride: 7:45am departure from Mayfield Recreation Center
Pace – Two routes: 25/27 km/h and no one left behind
Leader – Mellen G and Zindine S
Route – Route 1 and Route 2
Distance – 100km and ~50km (can be shortened depending on attendance)
Destination – Holland Marsh and Kleinburg
Goal – Enjoy the fall weather!
Please send us an email to let us know if you are going to be joining us. It lets our ride leader know whether to wait an extra few minutes for you if you are running late. But we still ask for you to try to be on time. On-time departure means on-time treat enjoyment!






FMCT Programs

We want to hear from you

If you are considering joining either class below but have not told us about it yet, please do so at your earliest convenience so we can confirm our booking with the city of Brampton (spin) and the city of Caledon (pool). We love getting your emails. A lot more details are on our website but a summary is below for reference.

Spin Class – Wednesday (Brampton)
We have not had a lot of interest in having a local spin class. Please let us know by October 15th if you are interested in signing up for a spin class led by Matt P in Brampton. The full session would be 18 classes. We do need a minimum number of sign-ups to hold this class.

You can sign up for a full session pass at $150, or a 10-pass for $100. We are offering a special early-bird price of $120 for the full session if you sign-up by October 15th. (Non-member pricing will also be available.) Please send us an email at fmct.trainers@gmail.com for more information or to reserve your spot.

Pool Swim – Tuesday
The coached pool swim seemed quite popular last year – and we are hoping that people are interested in participating again this year. We are planning on having a minimum of 25 pool swims again this year – and it is looking like the calendars are aligning so that we might be able to squeeze in 27 swims.

You can sign up for a full session pass at $200, or a 10-pass for $90, or pay by drop-in for $10 per class. We are offering a special early-bird price of $180 for the full session if you sign-up by October 15th. (Non-member pricing will also be available.) Please send us an email at fmct.trainers@gmail.com for more information or to reserve your spot.

Strava Update

Great work last week despite the rainy weather. Lots of riding left to be done this month! Who’s going to join us for our group ride on Thanksgiving Monday?



IRONMAN World Championship

Don’t forget to tune in on Saturday October 8th (Coverage starts at 12:25PM our time) on the ironman.com website. Our own coach Matt P will be racing with bib number 1733. Good luck Matt!


2016-2017 Fall/Winter Programs


Tuesday Night Swim

Join FMCT members as they enjoy exclusive access to the Mayfield Recreation Complex pool. There will be a swim instructor (Matthew Poole) providing the workouts and available on deck during all sessions.

Photo Feb 18, 10 00 42 PMLocation: Mayfield Rec Complex, 12087 Bramalea Rd, Caledon East

Time: 9 – 10pm

Dates (29 sessions):

  • Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
  • Dec 6, 13, 20
  • Jan 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
  • Feb 7, 21, 28
  • Mar 7, 14, 21, 28
  • Apr 4, 11, 18, 25
  • May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30


  • $200 for all sessions, $90 for a ten pass, $10 for a drop in for FMCT members
  • $12 drop in for non FMCT members
  • Ten pass purchases are non-transferable and non-refundable. They can be used only within the season they are purchased
  • All participants must use the FMCT Coached Swim option in the online shop to reserve their spot 

Optional Video Analysis is included with a full session pass. Otherwise available for $10 per video for members, $25 for non members. Must provide one week notice for the Video Analysis requests.

Payment for full session sign-up is due by October 24. Can pay in full or in two $100 installments with post-dated cheques (Nov 1st and Feb 1st). You can contact us to discuss other payment plans. Please select the full payment option in the shop and choose cheque or cash if you wish to use a payment plan.


Thursday Night Swim

Join with the FMCT members as we occupy the Mayfield Recreation Complex pool. Workouts will be provided for all levels and goal distances. No coach on site, this is a member led workout. All are welcome to attend these workouts.

Location: Mayfield Rec Complex, 12087 Bramalea Rd, Caledon East

Time: 9 – 10pm (public swim access)


  • Starting November 5 2016 until the end of May 2017. Please consult the Town of Caledon website for closure days.

Cost: $5.55 +Tax per night to Town of Caledon to access the pool (*subject to change)



Wednesday Spin – Bolton

For those travelling from the North, or who prefer Jade Carrington‘s tough love, she is also offering a bike program in Bolton. If you are familiar with Old School/Healey Rd, you will find this location quite easy of access.


Saturday Spin

McMurchy GymJoin in with the Big Ring Fitness group in a fun and upbeat SPIN session. Each session consists of 2h workout focusing on pedaling technique and threshold efforts using your own bike and trainer or one of  the 8 spin bikes available. The class will be led by Rob McCue, spin certified instructor and NCCP coach. All are welcome to attend these workouts.

Location: Sports Medicine Specialists Gym, 247 McMurchy Ave S, Brampton

Time: 8:30am-10:30am

Dates (16 sessions): November 19 to March 18th


  • $170 for all sessions or $15 per drop-in
  • Payments are made to Rob McCue at Big Ring Fitness
  • All participants must download and fill in the following forms: Registration, Waiver and PAR-Q and contact Rob at bigringfitness@yahoo.com to reserve their spot.


Sunday Run

Ad-hoc runs are published by our members via our Facebook group. Join in and have fun!

Cost: Free!


Thursday Strength (2nd round)

1406triathletegym 740Join Jade Carrington from IRON CHIC Fitness, personal trainer and NCCP triathlon coach for a one hour session of strength and fitness conditioning “Circuit Style”.

Location: 490 Bramalea Rd., Suite 4B, Brampton. Fully equipped facility in Brampton with showers.

Time: 8 – 9pm

Dates (12 sessions): 

  • February 2, 9, 16, 23
  • March 2, 9, 23, 30
  • April 6, 13, 20, 27

Cost: $96 for the 12 week program

  • Payments are made to Jade Carrington at IRON CHIC Fitness.
  • All participants must download and fill in the PAR-Q form and contact Jade at info@ironchicfitness.ca to reserve their spot.



Saturday Yoga for Triathletes

NEW this year!! Join Yoga instructor Michelle Moore for a 90min program tailored to triathletes.

Class themes will include:

  • Getting to know the spine
  • Activating the relaxation response
  • Opening the shoulders
  • Yoga for hips
  • Improving your balance
  • Anti-aging
  • Creating space with back-bends
  • Yoga for improved sleep
  • Customized class as per participant requests

15204507302_2e431ab62d_oLocation: Brampton

Time: 8am – 9:30am

Dates (10 sessions):

  • October 29
  • November 12, 19, 26
  • December 3, 10, 17
  • January 14, 21, 28

Cost: $145 for the 10 week program, $85 for a 5 pass

  • Payments are to be made to Michelle Moore at MindEquity Corporation.
  • All participants must download and fill in the PAR-Q form and contact Michelle at mmoore@mindequity.ca to reserve their spot.
  • Please note that there is a 10 limit participant for this class and therefore spots are limited.

You can read more about Michelle’s philosophy to Yoga here.

September 27th Weekly Update


Sunday October 30th
The leaves are starting to turn, and there is a certain crisp-ness in the air. This means fall is coming. And with fall comes our bi-annual Adopt-a-Road cleanup. We will be meeting at our usual location (Credit View Public School) at 9am for an hour or two of cross-training (aka – picking up trash from the sides of the road).

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. If we get lots of people to come out, the work is easier and we get to the fun post-clean-up coffee and treats at the Spirit Tree sooner.

Partner Programs

Yoga – Saturday Mornings
The trial FMCT yoga class was a lot of fun – so much that the class leader is willing to hold a session of ten 90-minute classes for us. Class themes will be customized based on participant requests and may include: opening the shoulders and hips, improving your balance, activating your relaxation, and more.

The dates would be: Oct 1, Oct 29, Nov 12, Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10, Dec 17, Jan 14, Jan 21
There is a minimum sign-up of 4 people for this class to be held.

We are getting a great deal with two options – you can sign up for a 10-class pass for just $145 or a 5-class pass for $85. And Michelle has even pulled together a few special exceptions like being able to carry forward a class to the next semester if you don’t make it to all the classes. To sign up or to find out more, please contact Michelle at mmoore@mindequity.ca

Spin Class – Wednesday Nights (Bolton)
Duathlete super-star Jade Carrington will be holding her mid-week spin class in nearby Bolton this year. The full course is 25 classes, and each class is a packed 90 minutes.

You can sign up for a full course pass at $125, a 10-pass for $70, a 1-month pass for $32-$40, or pay by drop-in for $10 per class. Please contact Jade at info@ironchicfitness.ca for more information or to reserve your spot.

Strength Class – Thursday Nights
In case one class with Jade is not enough – she is also holding a mid-week strength class. This course is 12 weeks (although she did add a second course last time to bridge us through to the start of the season).

You can sign up for a full course pass a $96, or pay by drop-in for $10 per class. Please contact Jade at info@ironchicfitness.ca for more information or to reserve your spot.

FMCT Programs

Spin Class – Wednesday (Brampton)
We have not had a lot of interest in having a local spin class. Please let us know by October 15th if you are interested in signing up for a spin class led by Matt P in Brampton. The full session would be 18 classes. We do need a minimum number of sign-ups to hold this class.

You can sign up for a full session pass at $150, or a 10-pass for $100. We are offering a special early-bird price of $120 for the full session if you sign-up by October 15th. (Non-member pricing will also be available.) Please send us an email at fmct.trainers@gmail.com for more information or to reserve your spot.

Pool Swim – Tuesday
The coached pool swim seemed quite popular last year – and we are hoping that people are interested in participating again this year. We are planning on having a minimum of 25 pool swims again this year – and it is looking like the calendars are aligning so that we might be able to squeeze in 27 swims.

You can sign up for a full session pass at $200, or a 10-pass for $90, or pay by drop-in for $10 per class. We are offering a special early-bird price of $180 for the full session if you sign-up by October 15th. (Non-member pricing will also be available.) Please send us an email at fmct.trainers@gmail.com for more information or to reserve your spot.


We were juuuuuuust shy of hitting 2000 kms this past week. That is a lot of training and racing folks – especially in late September! Congratulations to everyone who is continuing to stay healthy and do their workouts.








198379_460864443923655_1134934384_nAdios and Farewell

This is my last email update to the club. It is a bit of a bitter-sweet moment for me. Remembering to type up these updates each week can sometimes be a challenge (thank goodness for calendar alerts … even though those can fail when you close the reminder and don’t immediately start working on the email … whoops!) I will miss the level of interaction I had with the club and members over the past few years, but am super excited about the challenges that are coming next for me. Good luck to everyone – and keep up all of your great work.
– Rebecca

September 20 Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Saturday September 24th
Yoga Class: 8-9:30am in Brampton
(Please contact us for the specific address if you are planning to attend)13680640_10154267861996955_8684696529671234830_n
Join us for this FREE trial class! We will be working through a season’s worth of tight and overworked muscles and joints. Yoga is a great practice to add into your training as it helps to calm the mind and work through imbalances in your body. Send us an email if you are interested in attending.

Sunday September 25th
Group Ride: 8:30am departure from Fletcher’s Meadow SS
Pace – Nobody left behind
Leader – Irina S

Route – Check it out!
Distance – 65km
Destination – Belfountain
Goal – Enjoy the fall weather!
Please send us an email to let us know if you are going to be joining us. It lets our ride leader know whether to wait an extra few minutes for you if you are running late. But we still ask for you to try to be on time. On-time departure means on-time treat enjoyment!

Strava Update

This time we remembered to check the Strava status in time. Yay for us! Well … okay. The real ‘Yay’ goes to all of the athletes who are continuing their training. Despite the season coming to a close for most of our members (with the big long 200km rides being a thing of the past for most) – we still logged almost 1500km’s of training and racing last week.








More Fall & Winter Workouts!

Wednesday Spin Class in Bolton

Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm

Athlete extraordinaire Jade Carrington is back at it with a spin-class in Bolton (91 Healey Road). This 90 minute session includes a warm-up, progressively challenging intervals, and a cool-down. Optimally you would attend all sessions over the 6 months of the course to benefit from the fully phased approach.

Full course (25 weeks) is $125
10-pass is $70
1 Month pass is $32-$40
Drop-in is $10

Please contact Jade – info@ironchicfitness.ca – to reserve your spot! For more information – view this brochure (541k PDF file)

Thursday Strength Class in Brampton

Thursdays from 8:05 to 9pm

Back by popular demand – another 12 week strength course with Jade Carrington in Brampton (490 Bramalea Rd). Get strong, leaner, push your limits, and get the edge on your competition. Mostly – get ready to work and sweat. This is a great class that challenges you both physically and mentally.

Full course (12 weeks) is $96
Drop-in is $10

Please contact Jade – info@ironchicfitness.ca – to reserve your spot! For more information – view this brochure (968k PDF file)

Spin Class in Brampton?

We are wondering whether we have enough people interested in a spin class on Wednesday nights in Brampton. It would be held at South Fletchers from 7-9pm, starting in November and would run for 18 classes.

Member pricing (non-member pricing available upon request):
Early-bird price of $120 for the full session (paid by Oct 15th)
Regular price would be $150 for the full session and $110 for a 10-pass

Please let us know if you are interested – we need a minimum of 8 people to sign up by the Oct 15th deadline to hold this class.

September 13th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

No workouts planned. We are always looking for workout leaders – if you would like to lead a run or ride, just let us know.

Because seriously – it is like second summer out there. Take advantage before the flurries fly!

Strava Results

We might have missed the official calculation by Strava – but Zindine has saved the day by calculating the details for us. (Yay Zin!)


We completed a nice, round 100 logged training activities last week. We were juuuuuust shy of 100 hours – which drives my OCD tenancies bonkers. But, this makes it no less an impressive feat. Well done everyone!

FMCT Uniforms

If you have been checking out the pictures of some of our members and noticed that we have some pretty sweet club gear, and were getting all ‘jelly’ about how you didn’t have any … you might be in luck. Because Dudes and Dudettes – we have a small selection of extra inventory that we would love to hook you up with!

To order, just check that what you want is available, and then go through our online shop to place your order. Here is the list of whaunnamedt we have available:

Men’s sized gear:
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (L) x 2
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (M)
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (S)

CS Edge Short Sleeve Jersey (L)
CS Performance Link Tri Top (L)
CS Cycling Shorts (L)

CS Performance Run Singlet (M)

Women’s sized gear:
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (M)
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (S)
CS Performance Link Tri Shorts (L)
Edge Cycling Shorts (L)

And if you really want something not here, don’t fret too much. We will likely be placing another order early next year.

Supported Ride for a Cause

Greg’s Ride – September 25th
This ride is located nearby (Campbellville) and the routes are on some good rural riding roads. This is a great cause, that is likely of interest to folks like us – raising awareness and funds for cycling advocacy.

There are 3 ride distances: The Promenade (15km), The Challenger (60km) and The Ultimate (98km). Your registration includes on-route support and snack stations (yumm!), a hot lunch (double yumm!), beverages from our friends at Steamwhistle (triple yumm!), a participant kit bag of goodies, free on-site parking, and a post-ride yoga session. (This sounds like a lot of spoiling for a tough triathlete/duathlete.) You can check out all about it on their site: Greg’s Ride – Ontario’s Ride for Safer Cycling

Because we love our members, and we happen to have an inside scoop – we have a promo code that should give a nice little discount off your registration cost. Use “20TeamDoug16” and you will save 20%!

September 6th Newsletter

Message from your Executive

September is here – but it sure doesn’t feel like it. With temperatures soaring and humidity high it is more like a second August! Despite the resurgence of warm temperatures, the Triathlon/Duathlon season will soon be coming to a close. We hope you are proud of your accomplishments this year – because we think our club rocked it.


Week of Sept 5th to 11th
Unfortunately it looks like our main workout leaders are busy with back-to-school or other September activities – so there are no workouts planned for this week. If you still have some races in your calendar for this month, don’t forget to do your own training!

Fall & Winter Workouts
The remaining executive (see the announcement below) are working on confirming the programs, but are excited to announce the following planned programs:

Tuesday – Pool Swim (Mayfield Rec Ctr)
Wednesday – Spin Class (Bolton)
Thursday – Strength Class (Brampton)
Saturday – Spin Class (Brampton)
Sunday – Ad-hoc Runs
TBD – Yoga Class (depending on interest)

More details will be sent out soon – but we wanted to get these nuggets of information out to you so you can plan your off-season schedule. If you have specific questions, please send us an email.


Race Spotlight

Ironman Mont Tremblant14067866_10155112923815961_449703535938860633_o
You may recall from our update last week that the Mont Tremblant Ironman happened in August. We had quite a contingent up there “repping” the club. We had 4 guys complete the Ironman, and many more on the sidelines cheering them on. We know that the Ironman distance isn’t for everyone, but for these guys it was a goal that they knew they wanted to achieve. (And it is kind of a big deal.) For that reason we want to give a special shout-out to Matthew P, Zindine S, Louis M and Paul B for their persistence in training, and their courage in cycling through the rain on race-day. We will see if we can convince one of them to write a race report that we can feature on our website.

Most Frequent Racer – August
If you are one of those people who only quickly glances through our race results, you may have missed some pretty impressive results that have been posted this summer. One impressive member that we would like to call out for the month of August is Cesar C. He competed in 3 different Try-a-Tri races in the same month! Not only is this a lot of travel time, but also a significant commitment to training and planning. Especially for someone who just branched out into the Triathlon world this year.
Well done Cesar!

Opening on the Exec

Our Treasurer/Secretary (and persistent email writer) Rebecca M will be ‘retiring’ from her position on the Executive at the end of September to focus on growing her family.

This means we will need to find another person to round out the 3 person Executive. If you are interested in this position (or in volunteering in any other way for the club) please send us an email to let us know.


Who lets me be in charge of things!?!? I missed the cutoff to check our status last week (again). So instead of actual numbers and a pretty status picture I will just say – kudos to everyone who put in great efforts last week. We know that by the end of August it is harder and harder to feel motivated to do your training.

Upcoming Events

TBD – Annual Meeting
TBD – Trial Yoga Class
Sunday – Ad-hoc runs

November (tentative):
Tuesdays – Pool Swim
Wednesday – Spinning
Thursday – Strength
Saturday – Spinning
Sunday – Ad-hoc runs
TBD – Yoga

Race Results

MultiSport Bracebridge – Try-a-Tri
Cesar Centeno – 59:13.7 (2nd in AG)

View Photo: http://www.zoomphoto.ca/viewphoto/19899-110-27688939/1/

Subaru Orillia – Try-a-Tri
Cesar Centeno – 1:05:31.9

Subaru Orillia – Sprint Duathlon
Darryl Wilde – 2:21:15.6 (2nd in AG)

MSC Toronto Island – Try-a-Tri
Emmanuel Aquino – 51:44.8 (2nd in AG)
Megan Grummett – 1:03:14.4

MSC Toronto Island – Sprint Triathlon
Hui-Wen Chen – 2:03:26.3

Ironman Mont Tremblant – Triathlon
Matthew Poole – 9:41:32 (3rd in AG)
Zindine Souiki – 11:19:23
Louis Malisani – 12:12:16
Paul Blaik – 13:00:55

MSC Wasaga Beach – Try-a-Tri
Cesar Centeno – 1:01:59.2 (3rd in AG)

MSC Wasaga Beach – Sprint Tri
Peter Volkes – 1:07:49.3 (1st in AG)
Barb Kishimoto – 1:30:21.8 (1st in AG)
Allison Grummett – 1:48:49.9

MSC Wasaga Beach – Try-a-Tri Swim/Bike
Skye Bowen – 34:28.1 (2nd overall)

Did you finish a race and don’t see your name here? We probably did not know you were racing. Please let us know about all of your upcoming race and we can cheer you on and then celebrate your success by sharing your results