We love to swim, bike, run and get social


September 20 Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Saturday September 24th
Yoga Class: 8-9:30am in Brampton
(Please contact us for the specific address if you are planning to attend)13680640_10154267861996955_8684696529671234830_n
Join us for this FREE trial class! We will be working through a season’s worth of tight and overworked muscles and joints. Yoga is a great practice to add into your training as it helps to calm the mind and work through imbalances in your body. Send us an email if you are interested in attending.

Sunday September 25th
Group Ride: 8:30am departure from Fletcher’s Meadow SS
Pace – Nobody left behind
Leader – Irina S

Route – Check it out!
Distance – 65km
Destination – Belfountain
Goal – Enjoy the fall weather!
Please send us an email to let us know if you are going to be joining us. It lets our ride leader know whether to wait an extra few minutes for you if you are running late. But we still ask for you to try to be on time. On-time departure means on-time treat enjoyment!

Strava Update

This time we remembered to check the Strava status in time. Yay for us! Well … okay. The real ‘Yay’ goes to all of the athletes who are continuing their training. Despite the season coming to a close for most of our members (with the big long 200km rides being a thing of the past for most) – we still logged almost 1500km’s of training and racing last week.








More Fall & Winter Workouts!

Wednesday Spin Class in Bolton

Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm

Athlete extraordinaire Jade Carrington is back at it with a spin-class in Bolton (91 Healey Road). This 90 minute session includes a warm-up, progressively challenging intervals, and a cool-down. Optimally you would attend all sessions over the 6 months of the course to benefit from the fully phased approach.

Full course (25 weeks) is $125
10-pass is $70
1 Month pass is $32-$40
Drop-in is $10

Please contact Jade – info@ironchicfitness.ca – to reserve your spot! For more information – view this brochure (541k PDF file)

Thursday Strength Class in Brampton

Thursdays from 8:05 to 9pm

Back by popular demand – another 12 week strength course with Jade Carrington in Brampton (490 Bramalea Rd). Get strong, leaner, push your limits, and get the edge on your competition. Mostly – get ready to work and sweat. This is a great class that challenges you both physically and mentally.

Full course (12 weeks) is $96
Drop-in is $10

Please contact Jade – info@ironchicfitness.ca – to reserve your spot! For more information – view this brochure (968k PDF file)

Spin Class in Brampton?

We are wondering whether we have enough people interested in a spin class on Wednesday nights in Brampton. It would be held at South Fletchers from 7-9pm, starting in November and would run for 18 classes.

Member pricing (non-member pricing available upon request):
Early-bird price of $120 for the full session (paid by Oct 15th)
Regular price would be $150 for the full session and $110 for a 10-pass

Please let us know if you are interested – we need a minimum of 8 people to sign up by the Oct 15th deadline to hold this class.

September 13th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

No workouts planned. We are always looking for workout leaders – if you would like to lead a run or ride, just let us know.

Because seriously – it is like second summer out there. Take advantage before the flurries fly!

Strava Results

We might have missed the official calculation by Strava – but Zindine has saved the day by calculating the details for us. (Yay Zin!)


We completed a nice, round 100 logged training activities last week. We were juuuuuust shy of 100 hours – which drives my OCD tenancies bonkers. But, this makes it no less an impressive feat. Well done everyone!

FMCT Uniforms

If you have been checking out the pictures of some of our members and noticed that we have some pretty sweet club gear, and were getting all ‘jelly’ about how you didn’t have any … you might be in luck. Because Dudes and Dudettes – we have a small selection of extra inventory that we would love to hook you up with!

To order, just check that what you want is available, and then go through our online shop to place your order. Here is the list of whaunnamedt we have available:

Men’s sized gear:
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (L) x 2
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (M)
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (S)

CS Edge Short Sleeve Jersey (L)
CS Performance Link Tri Top (L)
CS Cycling Shorts (L)

CS Performance Run Singlet (M)

Women’s sized gear:
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (M)
Tech Short Sleeve Jersey (S)
CS Performance Link Tri Shorts (L)
Edge Cycling Shorts (L)

And if you really want something not here, don’t fret too much. We will likely be placing another order early next year.

Supported Ride for a Cause

Greg’s Ride – September 25th
This ride is located nearby (Campbellville) and the routes are on some good rural riding roads. This is a great cause, that is likely of interest to folks like us – raising awareness and funds for cycling advocacy.

There are 3 ride distances: The Promenade (15km), The Challenger (60km) and The Ultimate (98km). Your registration includes on-route support and snack stations (yumm!), a hot lunch (double yumm!), beverages from our friends at Steamwhistle (triple yumm!), a participant kit bag of goodies, free on-site parking, and a post-ride yoga session. (This sounds like a lot of spoiling for a tough triathlete/duathlete.) You can check out all about it on their site: Greg’s Ride – Ontario’s Ride for Safer Cycling

Because we love our members, and we happen to have an inside scoop – we have a promo code that should give a nice little discount off your registration cost. Use “20TeamDoug16” and you will save 20%!

September 6th Newsletter

Message from your Executive

September is here – but it sure doesn’t feel like it. With temperatures soaring and humidity high it is more like a second August! Despite the resurgence of warm temperatures, the Triathlon/Duathlon season will soon be coming to a close. We hope you are proud of your accomplishments this year – because we think our club rocked it.


Week of Sept 5th to 11th
Unfortunately it looks like our main workout leaders are busy with back-to-school or other September activities – so there are no workouts planned for this week. If you still have some races in your calendar for this month, don’t forget to do your own training!

Fall & Winter Workouts
The remaining executive (see the announcement below) are working on confirming the programs, but are excited to announce the following planned programs:

Tuesday – Pool Swim (Mayfield Rec Ctr)
Wednesday – Spin Class (Bolton)
Thursday – Strength Class (Brampton)
Saturday – Spin Class (Brampton)
Sunday – Ad-hoc Runs
TBD – Yoga Class (depending on interest)

More details will be sent out soon – but we wanted to get these nuggets of information out to you so you can plan your off-season schedule. If you have specific questions, please send us an email.


Race Spotlight

Ironman Mont Tremblant14067866_10155112923815961_449703535938860633_o
You may recall from our update last week that the Mont Tremblant Ironman happened in August. We had quite a contingent up there “repping” the club. We had 4 guys complete the Ironman, and many more on the sidelines cheering them on. We know that the Ironman distance isn’t for everyone, but for these guys it was a goal that they knew they wanted to achieve. (And it is kind of a big deal.) For that reason we want to give a special shout-out to Matthew P, Zindine S, Louis M and Paul B for their persistence in training, and their courage in cycling through the rain on race-day. We will see if we can convince one of them to write a race report that we can feature on our website.

Most Frequent Racer – August
If you are one of those people who only quickly glances through our race results, you may have missed some pretty impressive results that have been posted this summer. One impressive member that we would like to call out for the month of August is Cesar C. He competed in 3 different Try-a-Tri races in the same month! Not only is this a lot of travel time, but also a significant commitment to training and planning. Especially for someone who just branched out into the Triathlon world this year.
Well done Cesar!

Opening on the Exec

Our Treasurer/Secretary (and persistent email writer) Rebecca M will be ‘retiring’ from her position on the Executive at the end of September to focus on growing her family.

This means we will need to find another person to round out the 3 person Executive. If you are interested in this position (or in volunteering in any other way for the club) please send us an email to let us know.


Who lets me be in charge of things!?!? I missed the cutoff to check our status last week (again). So instead of actual numbers and a pretty status picture I will just say – kudos to everyone who put in great efforts last week. We know that by the end of August it is harder and harder to feel motivated to do your training.

Upcoming Events

TBD – Annual Meeting
TBD – Trial Yoga Class
Sunday – Ad-hoc runs

November (tentative):
Tuesdays – Pool Swim
Wednesday – Spinning
Thursday – Strength
Saturday – Spinning
Sunday – Ad-hoc runs
TBD – Yoga

Race Results

MultiSport Bracebridge – Try-a-Tri
Cesar Centeno – 59:13.7 (2nd in AG)

View Photo: http://www.zoomphoto.ca/viewphoto/19899-110-27688939/1/

Subaru Orillia – Try-a-Tri
Cesar Centeno – 1:05:31.9

Subaru Orillia – Sprint Duathlon
Darryl Wilde – 2:21:15.6 (2nd in AG)

MSC Toronto Island – Try-a-Tri
Emmanuel Aquino – 51:44.8 (2nd in AG)
Megan Grummett – 1:03:14.4

MSC Toronto Island – Sprint Triathlon
Hui-Wen Chen – 2:03:26.3

Ironman Mont Tremblant – Triathlon
Matthew Poole – 9:41:32 (3rd in AG)
Zindine Souiki – 11:19:23
Louis Malisani – 12:12:16
Paul Blaik – 13:00:55

MSC Wasaga Beach – Try-a-Tri
Cesar Centeno – 1:01:59.2 (3rd in AG)

MSC Wasaga Beach – Sprint Tri
Peter Volkes – 1:07:49.3 (1st in AG)
Barb Kishimoto – 1:30:21.8 (1st in AG)
Allison Grummett – 1:48:49.9

MSC Wasaga Beach – Try-a-Tri Swim/Bike
Skye Bowen – 34:28.1 (2nd overall)

Did you finish a race and don’t see your name here? We probably did not know you were racing. Please let us know about all of your upcoming race and we can cheer you on and then celebrate your success by sharing your results


August 30th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday August 31st
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
“… Baby one more time”
Okay – we won’t be belting Britney lyrics, but we will be running around the track for just one more time this season. Don’t forget to bring your hydration (we suggest adding some ice to keep it cool).

Thursday September 1st
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-7:30pm in Professor’s Lake
Can you believe it? This is our last club open-water swim of the season – where did the summer go!? We have just the one hour tonight – so make sure you arrive on time to get in all of your loops.
If you are paying by drop-in, don’t forget to show up early or stay a bit later to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 7:45-8:15pm around Professor’s Lake
Last week we were joined by ironman … who knows what surprises will be in store this week. (Okay. So it might not have been the ironman most people think of, but we were still impressed.)

Saturday September 3rd
Group Ride: 8:30am departure from Fletcher’s Meadow SS
Pace – Nobody left behind
Leader – Irina S
Route – Forks of the Credit! (full map here)
Distance – Full route is 65km
Destination – Spirit Tree (at 50km)
Goal – Have fun! 😀
Please send us an email to let us know if you are going to be joining us. (It lets our ride leader know to look out for you in case you are running a little bit late.)

Sunday September 4th
Non-Club Open-Water Swim: 2-4pm in the C3 Quarry
One of our local tri-club counterparts hold open water swims up in Caledon in an old Quarry (you can view the location here). If you are looking for an opportunity to continue practicing your open water swimming, and you really like hanging out with FMCT people, there will be a few of us there splashing about in the water.
This is NOT an official FMCT workout – you will need to arrange payment of their $10 swim fee with the C3 club. You can obtain more information via their facebook page.


For those who are not as immersed in the cult of long-distance triathlon – the biggest and baddest Ironman race is the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. Want more info? You can read about how it all started on the Ironman website.

Each year thousands upon thousands of individuals race in Kona Qualification races across the globe. (For some context – these races are the Ironman distance, so they are definitely no joke.) And from this huge group of people, only the best of the best qualify for a spot to participate in this Championship race. This year our own coach Matthew Poole stamped his ticket with a 3rd place finish in his age group at the Ironman Mont Tremblant race. Not only was he a top finisher in his age group – but he finished 30th OVERALL out of almost 2500 people.

Matthew has been a very supportive coach for our members of all skill and experience levels. And while we are often reaching out to him with our questions and requests for assistance, he is now asking for a little bit of assistance from us. He has set up a GoFundMe page that includes a great story about why he got into the sport, and offers the opportunity for us to support him as he goes out to achieve his lifelong dream.

August 23rd Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts19900-fbfe10-27677397

Wednesday August 24th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
And we’re back! Another night, another spin around the track. The temperature looks like it is tracking back up, so don’t forget to bring your hydration. (I recommend adding some ice before you leave home so it isn’t warm by the end of the workout.)

Thursday August 25th
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-7:30pm in Professor’s Lake
A shorter swim again this week due to the earlier sunset. How many loops will you aim for in this hour of swimming?
If you are paying by drop-in, don’t forget to show up early or stay a bit later to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 7:40-8:30pm around Professor’s Lake The season may be coming to a close for many, but there are plenty of reasons to come out for a run with us. It is a fun little loop around the lake.

Sunday August 28th
Open-Water Swim: 8-9:30am in Professor’s Lake
If you are looking for an opportunity to swim yourself dizzy – you are in luck! We will get a full 90 minutes to swim in the morning.
If you are paying by drop-in, don’t forget to show up early or stay a bit later to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 9:40-10:15am around Professor’s Lake
A Sunday morning run? What fun! In the sun? We do hope so.
Will you join us?

Strava Update

I have a confession to make – I totally and completely forgot to check in on the Strava details for last week! (See – this is what happens with Zin and Irina leave town, this place falls apart.)
So – without the actual numbers all I can say is … well done everyone on some stellar training and racing.

August 16 Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday August 17th
Track Speed-work: Cancelled this week
Send us an email if you would like for us to send you a workout to do on your own. The track will still be there (and will likely still be available) if you want to use the awesome cushy rubberized surface.

Photo 2016-08-11, 6 54 02 PMThursday August 18th
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-7:45pm in Professor’s Lake
We are dropping down to a 75 minute swim this week due to the earlier sunset. Our regular paperwork and membership gurus won’t be there – so please bear with the replacements (Rebecca & Carey) as we step in and try not to flub up too badly.
If you are paying by drop-in don’t forget to show up early or stay a bit later to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 7:55-8:30pm around Professor’s Lake
Our group will likely be a bit smaller – but we are still planning on trotting out a running lap. Will you be joining us?

This Weekend
No planned workouts – our main ride leaders are off to Mont Tremblant to challenge themselves at the Ironman (or to cheer or someone who is challenging themselves). You can pop online to track their progress as well on race day – just go to the Ironman website and look for the ‘live coverage’ link.

Good luck to all competing this weekend – whether you are at Mont Tremblant or elsewhere.


We don’t have the pretty picture this week – but we think we grabbed the totals from everyone’s logged workouts in Strava. And we have another great set of results to report.
Another 2020km completed. Well done everyone!

August 9th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday August 10th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
The forecast is calling for another hot week – but we won’t let that stop us! We will be ripping up the track with our super speedy runnIMG_5380ing stunts again this week.
For those who have not yet participated … we aren’t actually ripping up the track, nor is everyone who participates breaking speed records as they run around. It is a fun and inclusive workout that is great for anyone looking to get in another running workout. 🙂

Thursday August 11th
Open Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
We are able to fit in another 90 minute swim session this week – will you be there? If you are paying by drop-in, please give yourself enough time before or after the swim to complete your payment.
As a reminder for all swimmers – Swim Caps are mandatory to participate in the lake swim. There are many specific reasons for this – but we will just sum them all up to say that this is for ‘safety’.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
One Fish, Two Fish, Swim Fish, Run Fish … wait, that isn’t how the rhyme goes … But that is how we train on Thursdays. Join us after the swim for a running loop (or two).

Sunday August 14th
Open-Water Swim: 8-9:30am in Professor’s Lake
Two swims in one week … are we nuts? Absolutely! But don’t let that stop you from coming out to join us for a fun morning swim.
Our morning swims often have smoother water (although we cannot make guarantees that this weekend will keep that trend … it is just that numbers are in our favour suggesting that it will be smoother). If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 9:45-10:10am around Professor’s Lake
There may or may not be any Pokemon’s to be found, but there will most likely be an FMCT member or two trotting around the lake after the swim. Come on out and join us!

Strava Update
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Wow … just … wow. I have no words you guys! We pulled together over THREE THOUSAND km’s of training and racing this past week.

That is amazing! Congratulations to everyone – there are some incredibly stellar workouts happening every day. Give yourself a pat on the back. (Unless your arms are too sore from training – then ask a friend for help.)



Club Gear

Exciting news – our club gear has arrived! If you placed an order with us – please send us an email to set up a time to pick up your item(s).

We recommend trying to arrange to pick it up at swim this Thursday … because then you get to enjoy new gear, a swim, and maybe even
a run. But – the choice is fully yours.

Swimming Gear

FMCT Discount & Upcoming SALE!
Are you wearing through your current swim-wear at a faster rate than the season is progressing? Are you regretting your current goggle selection? Or … do you just like the opportunity to upgrade your swim wardrobe?

Our FMCT discount at Team Aquatic is valid through to September 15th of this year. You will need to show your FMCT card to get the club discount (you would have received this electronically when you purchased your FMCT membership).

If you aren’t an FMCT member, or if you are waiting for a really great deal … Team Aquatic’s 16th Annual Summer Sale is going to be held on September 10th from 10am to 4pm. Their flyer says that everything will be a minimum of 25% off … so if you are looking to stock up for the winter training season, or are just looking for an excuse to go shopping – we suggest heading on down to check it out. Team Aquatic is located at 5484 Tomken Rd, Unit 30 in Mississauga.

August 2nd Newsletter

Message from your Executive

Somehow this summer has just flown by – and it is August already! We have had great turnout at our weekly open water swims, and we are super-pumped to see so many new faces enjoying the experience. (We are also very proud to see the faces of those who might not be enjoying the experience right now, yet are determined to keep at it until it is an enjoyable experience.)

We were a busy group in July with a lot of members (current and ‘old’) who completed a race (or two!). Congratulations to everyone who has been challenging themselves this summer.


Wednesday August 3rd
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
You spin me right round baby right round … in circles on the track! Come on out and join the ‘track crew’ on Wednesday to get your legs churning and your heart rate up.
Come ready to challenge yourself, and don’t forget your hydration and layers.

Thursday August 4th13902730_10154267862041955_8557069926143679311_n
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
Splish-splash! Just two weeks left for 90 minute Thursday swims. How many loops will you fit in? If you are paying by drop-in rate, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
The run loop is approximately 3km. Join us for a loop or two (or three?)

Saturday August 6th
Group Ride: 8am departure from Mayfield Rec Ctr
Pace – Nobody left behind
Lets get those legs-a-spinnin’! This will be a fun 60km ride to Caledon East. Map and details will be posted to the Facebook Members group.
Just like this past weekend, send us an email to let us know if you are going to be there. (It lets our ride leaders know to look out for you in case you are running a few minutes late.)

Sunday August 7th
Non-Club Open-Water Swim: 2-4pm in the C3 Quarry
One of our local tri club counterparts holds lake swims up in Caledon in an old Quarry (you can view the location here). If you are looking for an opportunity to practice some more open water swimming, and really like hanging out with FMCT people, there will be a few of us there cruising through the water.
This is NOT an official FMCT workout – you will need to arrange the payment of the swim fee ($10) with the C3 club. You can obtain more information via their facebook page.



unnamed (6)Strava Update
Faster, stronger, further
Despite some Strava glitches, we still logged over 2000 km’s of training and racing last week. That is some solid work guys and gals. Well done!

Race Results

Special Congratulations
We have welcomed a number of new members to our club this year – and a few of them have challenged themselves with races already this year. We wanted to call out three of them specifically who have shown some amazing hard work and perseverance.

Congratulations to Emmanuel A, Raymond G, and Cesar C. You have each reminded us why we got into the sport in the first place, and have been a joy to welcome to the FMCT club.

FMCT Uniform Order
Almost here!
For those who placed an order with us for some new FMCT swag – the order has been put in the mail, and should be arriving in Brampton soon.
We will reach out to you individually once your item is available. We recommend arranging to pick it up at one of the FMCT workouts – but other options can be available if needed.

Upcoming Events

Wednesdays – Track Speedwork
Thursdays – Lake Swim + Run
Some Saturdays – Group Ride
Some Sundays – Lake Swim + Run

Some Weekends – Group Ride

Race Results

Belwood – Try-a-tri Swim/Bike
Cesar Centeno: 42:15 (3rd Overall)

Belwood – Sprint Tri
Peter Volkes: 1:40:00 (3rd AG)
Boleslaw Szramek: 2:18:14
Krisen Kuppusamy: 2:31:14

TTF – Sprint Tri
Jeff Hennings: 1:14:15
Corwin Ang: 1:26:00

Muskoka 70.3
Zindine Souiki: 5:30:27
Mellen Gorman: 5:36:46
Louis Malisani: 5:49:46
James Li: 6:23:45
Tammy Purdy: 5:27:57
Steve Caws: 6:47:56
Narinder Kaura: 7:02:14

Muskoka 70.3 – Relay/Bike-Leg
Irina Souiki: 3:50:44

Gravenhurst – Olympic Tri
Paul Blaik: 2:30:13

Gravenhurst – Sprint Tri
Ryan Baldwin: 1:17:54 (3rd AG)
Barb Kishimoto: 1:35:11 (1st AG)

Niagara – Try-a-tri
Emmanuel Aquino – 0:50:50
Raymond Gana – 1:04:15
Cesar Centeno – 1:04:45

Kingston – Long Course Tri
Matthew Poole: 3:06:09 (1st AG)
Zindine Souiki: 3:19:44 (2nd AG)
Bruce Harding: 5:00:56

Kingston – Sprint Tri
Irina Souiki: 2:07:24
Did you finish a race and don’t see your name here? We probably did not know you were racing. Please let us know about all of your upcoming race and we can cheer you on and then celebrate your success by sharing your results

July 26th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday July 27th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
We feel the need, the need for speed! Another session of fast legwork on the track is just around the corner. Come ready to work it and bring your layers and hydration.

Thursday July 28th
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
Another 90 minute session of our Open Water Swim. Is this the week you will challenge yourself to go for that extra loop? If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
The running course around the lake is about 3km, come join us for a loop or two.

Monday August 1st

Group Ride: 8am departure from Mayfield Rec Ctr
Pace – Nobody left behind
There will be a coffee stop in Belfountain, but the actual route will depend on who shows up. Come prepared to cycle at least 2.5 hrs (about 55km).
If you are planning on coming, please send us an email to let us know.

Upcoming Event

Open Water Swimfest – Sun 31st
There is an Open Water Swimfest happening this Sunday in Gulliver’s Lake (Hamilton). If you are looking for an opportunity to challenge yourself, they have race distances from 200m to 10km! You can check out all the details on their website: Embrace Open Water Swimfest


Two Thousand and Six Hundred Kilometres!strava-july18
Seriously everyone – you are blowing my mind here. We managed to pull some serious distance this past week.

Special Kudo’s to the following superstars:
Cesar C – who accomplished his running goal last week
Bruce H – who didn’t let the morning snooze by and went for over 20km Sunday before 10am
Matt P & Cary P – who ran a Half IM course for fun (on separate days!)
Louis M – who beat the sun out of bed for his run on Friday

If you aren’t part of the club on Strava – join us today. In the ‘Explore’ section select ‘clubs’ and enter Fletchers Meadow Cross Trainers.

Successful Simulation Day

IMG_4999Thank you to those who came out to participate in our Simulation Day event. We had slightly cooler temperatures (which seemed to be appreciated by everyone, especially on the run).
Barb K was our big winner in the ‘Swim Bike’ category – and a special call-out to Ryan B who was our youngest participant for the day. Well done everyone!

July 19th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday July 20th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
Back again this week we are going to be on the track running in circles (or ovals if you want to get technical about it). Come ready to work it and bring your layers and hydration.

Thursday July 21st
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake Another week, another dip in the lake. Come join us for a loop, or two, or more! If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete your payment.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
A great training opportunity to go running after a hard swim in the lake.

Sunday July 24th
Simulation Day: 7:30am-12pm based from Professor’s Lake
Details for the day included in the section below

Open-Water Swim: 8-9:30am in Professor’s Lake Another week, another dip in the lake. Come join us for a loop, or two, or more! If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete your payment.

540f87f9-4b97-45ba-81ca-d9184b23b37dSunday is our Tri & Du Simulation Day

Final reminder – our second Simulation Day for the summer is this Sunday. Please confirm your attendance by completing the FMCT Simulation Day Survey.

The day will start with the opening of the transition area at 7:30am, followed by the lake swim at 8am. We have the lake booked until 9:30am and you can swim as long or short as you want within that time. After you are done with your swim, make your way over to the transition area to do your bike and/or run. For those not familiar with the set-up the following image shows where the swim and transition will be set up.

There is a $5 cost for members ($8 for non-members) to participate in the Simulation Day event. (You can pay at the event, or pre-pay online on the FMCT site.) If you are paying for your swim by drop-in you will still need to pay for that drop-in session.

We will provide a supervised transition area (your stuff won’t grow legs and walk off), and there will be drinks provided (water & gatorade) as well as snacks once you are done.


Strava Updateunnamed (4)

Another week of stellar results – we logged over 120 hours of training this past week.
That is a massive amount of work, especially with how hot it has been this past week. Well done everyone!