Upcoming Workouts
Wednesday August 10th
Track Speed-work: 6:45-8pm @ David Suzuki SS
The forecast is calling for another hot week – but we won’t let that stop us! We will be ripping up the track with our super speedy running stunts again this week.
For those who have not yet participated … we aren’t actually ripping up the track, nor is everyone who participates breaking speed records as they run around. It is a fun and inclusive workout that is great for anyone looking to get in another running workout. 🙂
Thursday August 11th
Open Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
We are able to fit in another 90 minute swim session this week – will you be there? If you are paying by drop-in, please give yourself enough time before or after the swim to complete your payment.
As a reminder for all swimmers – Swim Caps are mandatory to participate in the lake swim. There are many specific reasons for this – but we will just sum them all up to say that this is for ‘safety’.
Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
One Fish, Two Fish, Swim Fish, Run Fish … wait, that isn’t how the rhyme goes … But that is how we train on Thursdays. Join us after the swim for a running loop (or two).
Sunday August 14th
Open-Water Swim: 8-9:30am in Professor’s Lake
Two swims in one week … are we nuts? Absolutely! But don’t let that stop you from coming out to join us for a fun morning swim.
Our morning swims often have smoother water (although we cannot make guarantees that this weekend will keep that trend … it is just that numbers are in our favour suggesting that it will be smoother). If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete your payment.
Post-Swim Run: 9:45-10:10am around Professor’s Lake
There may or may not be any Pokemon’s to be found, but there will most likely be an FMCT member or two trotting around the lake after the swim. Come on out and join us!
Strava Update

Wow … just … wow. I have no words you guys! We pulled together over THREE THOUSAND km’s of training and racing this past week.
That is amazing! Congratulations to everyone – there are some incredibly stellar workouts happening every day. Give yourself a pat on the back. (Unless your arms are too sore from training – then ask a friend for help.)
Club Gear
Exciting news – our club gear has arrived! If you placed an order with us – please send us an email to set up a time to pick up your item(s).
We recommend trying to arrange to pick it up at swim this Thursday … because then you get to enjoy new gear, a swim, and maybe even
a run. But – the choice is fully yours.
Swimming Gear
FMCT Discount & Upcoming SALE!
Are you wearing through your current swim-wear at a faster rate than the season is progressing? Are you regretting your current goggle selection? Or … do you just like the opportunity to upgrade your swim wardrobe?
Our FMCT discount at Team Aquatic is valid through to September 15th of this year. You will need to show your FMCT card to get the club discount (you would have received this electronically when you purchased your FMCT membership).
If you aren’t an FMCT member, or if you are waiting for a really great deal … Team Aquatic’s 16th Annual Summer Sale is going to be held on September 10th from 10am to 4pm. Their flyer says that everything will be a minimum of 25% off … so if you are looking to stock up for the winter training season, or are just looking for an excuse to go shopping – we suggest heading on down to check it out. Team Aquatic is located at 5484 Tomken Rd, Unit 30 in Mississauga.