We love to swim, bike, run and get social

Swimming Gear Checklist

Swimming Gear – Checklist

Rubber duckies are great additions to bath-time, and water-wings and pool noodles are wonderful for a summer afternoon in a backyard pool. Photo Feb 04, 9 56 44 PM

But what swim gear should you buy for a pool workout?

If you are joining us for our coached swims, here is a list of ‘toys’ that we suggest having on hand (links provided for educational purposes).

There are two mandatory pieces:

  • Goggles (because chlorine in the eyes is NOT FUN!)
  • Swim suit (seriously people, no naked swimming in the public pool) – we strongly suggest something a little more streamlined than boardshorts, but the choice is yours

To get the most of your workout, we also suggest the following items:

  • Swim Cap (strongly suggested for people with hair longer than 1 inch long)
  • Fins (we recommend the longer fin version rather than short or split – see example here)
  • Pull Buoy
  • Paddles (if you never used paddles before, we recommend that you start with small ones – these are a good example – S for women, M for men)
  • Band (example of this torture instrument here)
  • Kickboard/Flutterboard (these are usually provided for free at most public pools – but some people like to use their own)
  • Mesh bag (to carry your swim toys around)



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