We love to swim, bike, run and get social

July 12th Weekly Update

Upcoming Workouts

Wednesday July 13th
Track Speed-work: Cancelled
We are cancelling this workout due to the weather forecast. We do like to claim that we train in all weather – but there is also member safety that we need to think of. The temperatures are supposed to be super hot with very high humidity, which is not a great combination for high intensity training.

Thursday July 14th
Open-Water Swim: 6:30-8pm in Professor’s Lake
With the warm temperatures we are expecting a record turnout of swimmers looking to dip their toes, legs, torsos, arms and heads into the refreshing water at Professor’s Lake. If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete payment.

Post-Swim Run: 8:10-8:45pm around Professor’s Lake
We might not see any record paces this week, but the temperature should be cool enough by 8pm for a loop around the lake.

Sunday July 17th
Open-Water Swim: 8-9:30am in Professor’s Lake
The swim loop is about 750m – and we are continuing with our 90 min swim times through June. How many loops will you complete this week? If you are paying by drop-in, please ensure you arrive early or stay late to complete payment.

Post-Swim Run: 9:40-10:15am around Professor’s Lake
The run loop is about 3km long – who will be sticking around after the swim to join us for a loop or two?

July 24th – Simulation Day!

Swim + Bike + Run = FUN
Our second Simulation Day event of the summer is approaching fast – will you be attending? Please let us know by completing the FMCT Sim Day Survey.

The day will start with the opening of the transition area at 7:30am, followed by the lake swim at 8am. We have the lake booked until 9:30am and you can swim as long or short as you want within that time. After you are done with your swim, make your way over to the transition area to do your bike and/or run.

There is a $5 cost for members ($8 for non-members) to participate in the Simulation Day event. (You can pay at the event, or pre-pay online on the FMCT site.) If you are paying for your swim by drop-in you will still need to pay for that drop-in session.

The benefits? A supervised transition area (your stuff won’t grow legs and walk off), and there will be drinks provided (water & gatorade) as well as snacks once you are done.


We don’t have a pretty image for this week (or exact numbers) but we can let you know that your hard efforts are being noticed. We logged over 2050 km again this week.

Here are just a few snippets of the Bike rides our members have been completing:
Skye B has been logging some great rides out on her new bike – soon she will be a master of the road!
Matt P has been throwing in some serious distance – no wonder he is always going out alone 😛
Irina S challenged herself with the bike leg of the Muskoka 70.3 and set a few PRs for herself;
Paul B took his daughter out for a fun cool-down ride; and,
Carey M has been logging some interesting workouts on TrainerRoad while the rest of us are starting to think about bed

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