Upcoming Workouts
None planned until the 2016 – please enjoy your holiday season.
To minimize the ‘return to working out’ pain that can sometimes happen after a break, we suggest finding your own moments to complete some workouts. There are a number of free spinning workouts available online, stay safe and watch out for puddles (or ice/slush/snow) if you are running outside, and our coach has provided a few swim workouts to those signed up for the pool swim sessions (Mayfield pool has a number of fitness swims available between now and the new year).
Family Swim
Unfortunately we were unable to rent out the pool during the holidays – other groups beat us to it and booked up all of the available time slots.
More Strength Class!
We will be offering an additional 12-session strength class immediately following the completion of the current session. This class will also be $85 for the full session (if we do not meet minimum participation numbers the price could increase). If you are interested please contact Jade directly to reserve your spot. (Jade – info@ironchicfitness.ca)
100-Day Run Challenge
The 100-Day Run Challenge is a perennial favourite. The run challenge is open to everyone, and it is not necessary to be an FMCT member to join. The full rules and details are in the 2016 Run Challenge document (290k PDF file).
If you are interested in joining this year’s challenge, please email us at fmct.trainers@gmail.com and we will send you a link to the online spreadsheet. (Please note – you will need a google account to access the spreadsheet. You can sign up for one here: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp)