Samantha Coimbra – President
Samantha is a mother of two boys who are growing faster than she can believe, one getting ready to take Driver’s Ed., and the other, about to enter his teens. She has been at home raising her family for the last 9 years, and has just embarked on a career in Marketing. During that time with her family, she held a variety of volunteer roles including School Council Chair, and Fundraiser(-er?). She is also very active in the Scouting Community and volunteers with them weekly, teaching youth to love the active outdoor skills she knows and loves.
Around 2007, Samantha decided it was time to change her activity level. During a visit with her sister- a runner, a lightbulb went off. “I was unhappy with where I was, and I was always envious of others who ran and exercised- why be envious? There is nothing stopping me. No one was going to tell me it was my time, I just had to do it.”
From that moment on, Samantha hasn’t stopped. She started with a 5k race and worked her way up to half marathons. On her 40th birthday she set a goal to go on a women’s- only backcountry hike. She and a trusted friend, hiked a 7 day-100 km trail through Killarney provincial park. That has been her most difficult and most rewarding challenge yet.
From the beginning, always on a runner’s high, she felt like a triathlon would be the ultimate goal. So, after some encouragement from a good friend, she joined FMCT, and completed her first Sprint. She knows now, this will be a new way of life for her, and won’t stop at one, there are too many distances to enjoy and so many great people to meet.
Curtis Repen – Vice President
After an active childhood full of sports of all types, Curtis spent 30 years smoking, drinking beer and eating junk food at his desk until middle age caught up with him. August 2014, at the age of 46 he quit smoking and ballooned to 217lbs of fat. He bought a stationary bike and started working out in the basement in Jan. 2015.
By June 2016 he was down to 163lbs and looking to continue to improve his fitness. He participated in Tough Mudder Half and a 5k fun run, bought a road bike and started training for triathlon.
With a lot of help from the great folks at FMCT, he survived his first sprint at Welland in 2017 and is looking to continue to improve his own fitness, and maybe motivate a few others to believe that if he can do it, so can they.
Charles Coimbra – Treasurer